Giving you child a good head start!

Deciding on a preschool for your child is no easy task, especially when considering higher education. But, we need to realise that a child’s preschool will have more of an effect on their success than their later schooling years?

The reality is if your child attends a strong preschool they are more likely to perform well in any high school than sending a child with a poor grounding to a good high school.

A child will learn continuously, even throughout their adult life, but never at the volume and rate that they learn in the first six years of life.

Early childhood development is crucial for a child’s future.Well, ironically, the first few years are just for play, but that play is serious business and children learn just about everything through play.

All the foundational skills learned in the early years will have an impact on a child’s entire schooling career and life. Children who have a good grounding cope better in their future schools.

Here are just a few examples of how foundational skills impact a child’s entire schooling career:

If a child does not develop their fine motor skills they will struggle with pencil grip, control and handwriting throughout school.

When auditory perception is underdeveloped, a child will struggle with reading and comprehension throughout school.

A child with poor listening skills will seldom develop these at a later stage.

Children with poor gross motor skills will struggle with posture, tiredness, playing sports, sitting upright at a desk, concentration difficulties etc.

The preschool years are the golden years when children learn effortlessly and this is the time to make sure they are properly educated and stimulated.


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